Coffee from 9:15am
Want to meet some prayer warriors?
The Tuesday morning meeting has been going for years. Week after week, the intercessors of St Philip's have gathered to pray . It's been ramping up this year. Since March 2021, we've prayed exclusively for revival.
We worship, prophesy and intercede for an hour together. Our prayer: "Father in heaven, holy is your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!"
Join us as we seek His presence and pray from heaven down. Amen!
Coffee from 9:15am
Want to meet some prayer warriors?
The Tuesday morning meeting has been going for years. Week after week, the intercessors of St Philip's have gathered to pray . It's been ramping up this year. Since March 2021, we've prayed exclusively for revival.
We worship, prophesy and intercede for an hour together. Our prayer: "Father in heaven, holy is your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!"
Join us as we seek His presence and pray from heaven down. Amen!
Three times a year, we gather for two hours of unhindered
Three times a year, we gather for two hours of unhindered
St Philip & St James Church Drama Group draws in adults and young people from across the community and performs dramas, musicals and pantomimes, as well as productions that bring the message of Jesus to all.
The group has been running since 1958 and has performed a wide range of musicals, revues and pantomimes on the stage within the church building. The group is made up of church members, people from the local community and other Bath churches and has an open policy so that anyone who would like to perform is given the opportunity. As well as the performers, there is a well-supported and skilled backstage team and costume department.
The group puts on very popular community pantomimes and in 2018 won the Rose Bowl Award for Best Pantomime in the South West of England for Puss in Boots. They also perform shows that have a Christian message including The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Godspell in recent years. In April 2019 the group performed a modern-day adaption of the Easter Passion called #misjudged which was written and created by group members.
In January 2025, the group are putting on the pantomime Sleeping Beauty. Tickets are on sale now from ticketsource